Monday, November 19, 2007

Bonds Will Walk Again

He is baseball's all time leader in walks and while he may never play another game in the major leagues, Bonds will add at least one more to his total.
He'll get a pass on all charges levied by a grand jury this week.
Bonds was charged with four counts of perjury and one count of obstruction by federal prosecutors at a California District Court in San Francisco.
Each of the perjury charges carries a jail sentence of up to five years, while the obstruction charge carries a maximum sentence of 10 years.

This all boils down to Barry's statement before the grand jury:"I have never knowingly taken steroids".
This won't be about proving he took them.
Most of us have no problem believing that to be a fact.
This won't be completely about how the samples of his positive test were collected.
That, like the O.J. case, won't be pretty.
This won't even be about whether he really DID know he was taking steroids.
It will be about proving his statement untrue.
PROVE that he didn't know.
How are they going to do that ?

When asked in court about the papers that clearly showed his positive test, Bonds responded by saying:"I've never seen that report before".
So, what has changed since Barry made that statement ?
Who is ready to testify to the contrary ?
His buddy and former personal trainer Greg Anderson was coincidentally released from prison the same day that the indictment came down.
He spent a year in prison rather than give Barry up.
The government seems to think they now have enough information or the right canary to make their case now.

We were told in the Michael Vick case that the feds would never go forward unless they had the goods.
That it's a rare time that when they do move in that they don't get a conviction.
This isn't the Los Angeles district attorney's office.
Johnny Cochrane has passed on.
I'm not a lawyer.
I don't even play one on TV.
But if I was, I think I might have an easier time defending him than prosecuting.
Regardless of my opinion of that jerk !

This blog was reprinted from my regular baseball column at mcn sports.
Have a look at the columns and the baseball shows taped this summer at:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mr. price is (always) right!
The morning after the Mitchell Report, I was listening to you and you made a comment to the fact that you are happy that supposedly now that Roger Clemens was named as one of hundreds of players that took the juice, therefore it is not about race anymore and it was never about race.
First let me state in perfect bold letter I AM BLACK. I am part of the generation of black people who don't care really who is racist or who is supremacist or the like. Even if you were racist, I could care less. I would still listen to the TEAM and if you have something interesting to say I would listen because I, speaking for myself, am not in the business of wanting so much to have the love of other people or race. I think a lot of young black people start to think this way.

Now back to the Clemens vs. Bonds comparison. I want to believe that it's not about race or it's never been about race, but I can't explain the difference in treatment and the Barry bonds issue is just one out of many. And I am not those who are eager to cry racism every time I see something!

How come Roger Clemens had been taking the juice and I, as a sports fan, never heard anything about it? How come Andy Pettite was one of them and never heard anything about it. You said that you all, the journalists, had suspicions, but didn't want to destroy someone's rap based on rumours! I know no black athlete who would benefit from such favours. If you, in Mtl, had suspicions, I guess they had more than suspicions in the states and nothing ever came out, How come Barry Bonds was getting killed in the media while a bunch of 40 year-old geriatric white pitchers, including Clemens whose name was already in the report, were being celebrated up until this summer?

It's not that I am here to defend Bonds, it think He is big enough (No pun intended) to do that. It's not either that I don't want you guys in the media who are white to be bias, You have all the right to like people who are like you more, but what I can't stand is that you are bias and being hypocritical about it and pretends that "No I am absolutely not bias!" This I can't stand.

I can't believe that there was a guy that was furnishing dope to guys like Clemens and that the media would not know about it. Then where did the suspicion come from? I think had it been a black athlete, based on these suspicions, some journalist would have started an investigation and would have found the truth. Why was it not done in Clemens and others' case? Convince me someone.

Finally, why is it that like, Mr. "Oh I am a hero, I pitch with my socks soaked in blood" Would come out and blast Barry Bonds for being a cheater and when asked to cooperate with Senator Mitchell to clean his beloved sports, say No, but not thanks and still get a pass from the media that is so critical of guys who are hypocrites? And why Mr. price would that make so happy to see Barry Bonds go to jail? Seriously that I don't get it! I mean to compare Barry with O.J Simpson. That kinda goes over the top. O. J. Simpson Killed person, but who has BB killed??

Nb: I am not accusing of being a racist and even if you were I could care less really, but just to react to what you said the other day.